Conference Overview

The future is undeniably beautiful and charming, yet with full of uncertainties. Disruptive technological advancements have significantly contributed to the overall improvement of life; however, they have also brought about genuine challenges. To shed light on some of these challenges, the Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST), Islamabad, is organizing the 11th Applied Business Research Conference on May 30, 2024, themed 'Shaping the Future: Management Trends and Insights for Tomorrow'. ,
The conference offers a valuable platform for researchers from various fields to come together and share their experiences, thereby contributing to the advancement of business excellence through the incorporation of these technological advancements into management practices. The insights disseminated during the conference will be equally valuable to academia, research consultancy firms, and policymakers.
The conference will feature seminars and invited talks involving academic experts, entrepreneurs, and corporate specialists, each offering their diverse perspectives on the conference theme. Additionally, a PhD Consortium will be organized for current and prospective doctoral students, providing them with an opportunity to refine their research skills and gain a deeper understanding necessary for their dissertations.
This conference will foster valuable and constructive debates among academic experts, entrepreneurs, and practitioners. Researchers from around the globe are invited to present their research work and receive valuable feedback from experts.
Following a rigorous review process, selected papers will be published in our HEC-recognized Y-category journal, Jinnah Business Review (JBR), ISSN: 2070-0296.
The conference welcomes submissions of academic papers, practitioner papers, student papers,and research in progress.


Capital University of Science & Technology,



May 30, 2024

About Us

Capital University of Science & Technology

Capital University of Science & Technology, Islamabad is established by a federal charter and vested with the authority to award degrees at various levels in all disciplines. As per CUST Act, it is a comprehensive Institution which can have faculties including, but not limited to, Engineering, Medicines, Natural Sciences, Management, Computing, Humanities and Arts. Currently, CUST has three Faculties: Faculty of Engineering; Faculty of Computing and Faculty of Management and Social Sciences.

To ensure the acceptability of our graduates in local as well as in foreign institutions, the University has adopted a widely accepted semester system and offers BS, MS and PhD degrees in compliance to the international norms and standards. Further, our academic programs are accredited by the respective accreditation bodies of the country. Research is another area of prime importance at CUST. Research and Development are the crucial tools which countries use to transform their developing economies into developed nations. The advanced degree programs in Banking and Finance, Computer Science and Management Information Systems, prepare young men and women to meet the challenges of the new millennium.

Conference Venue

The conference will take place on the campus of the Capital University of Science and Technology in Islamabad. This university is federally chartered and its programs are accredited by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan. Offering high-quality education across various disciplines including business management, social sciences, computer sciences, engineering, and life sciences, the Capital University of Science and Technology is committed to fostering intellectual contributions through research and knowledge generation initiatives. Its graduates are employed in reputable institutions, actively contributing to academic research domains. The Faculty of Management & Social Sciences at the Capital University of Science and Technology is dedicated to establishing robust research collaborations with academic institutions worldwide.

Conference Committee

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mansoor Ahmed


Vice Chancellor

Capital University of Science & Technology

Dr. Arshad Hassan

Conference Advisor

Dean, Faculty of Management & Social Sciences

Associate Professor Dr. Imran Riaz Malik

Conference Chair

Department of Management Sciences

Professor Dr. S. M. M. Raza Naqvi

Conference Co-Chair

Editor-in-Chief, Jinnah Business Review (JBR)

Organinzing Team Members

Management, Human Resource Management & Organizational Behavior

Dr. Robina Yasmin

Dr. Kamran Iqbal

Dr. Shazia Faiz

Ms. Javeria Khalid

Accounting & Finance

Dr. Jaleel Ahmed

Dr. Zia Ul Islam

Dr. Iftikhar Janjua

Dr. Zeeshan Ahmad

Projects & Technology Management

Dr. Arif Ud Din

Dr. Shakeel Iqbal

Mr. Muhammad Irfan Mustafa

Mr. Imad Ud Din

Marketing, Consumer Behavior & Entrepreneurship

Dr. Ansir Rajput

Dr. M. Ishfaq Khan

Dr. Ahsan Mahmood

Syed Faraz Ali Shah


Dr. Sabahat Haqqani

Dr. Ishrat Yousaf

Dr. Uzma Rani

Ms. Anum Tanveer


Mr. Muhammad Umar Toor


Ms. Sarah Nawaz Malik

Ms. Sadaf Adalat

Syed Farhan Ali

Mr. Shahzad Mahmood

Paper Submission
April 29, 2024
Acceptance of Paper/PhD Proposal
May 17, 2024
Date of Registration
May 21, 2024
Submission of Presentation
May 22, 2024
Conference Date
May 30, 2024
Along with the conference following important activity for Ph.D. Scholars will be taking place:


CUST Doctoral Consortium


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May 30,2024

Capital University of Science & Technology,
Islamabad, Pakistan

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